Adventures lately have been few, but I will recap as best as I can.
First I'd just like to make a point or two.
The most important being the tea count. I might have to cancel the 1000 cups of tea challenge, only for the fact that I seem to have a caffeine allergy of some sort, which I think I developed by drinking energy drinks so much while working on the Prince of Persia costumes back in 2008. Every time I seem to have a cup of tea with caffeine (so, the regular kind, earl grey, etc) I get heart palpitations. I could do this challenge with just fruit and peppermint tea, but I think I'd honestly get extremely sick of 650 more cups of that before September hits. So I will continue the count, but don't expect me to reach the goal. It's sad, I know, but I can't do anything to help it!
I'm working very hard to update Insane Yeti Squirrel as best I can. Time allows me to update twice a week while letting me do things in between, like play games or do other projects or explore. I need to stick to a strict updating regime if I hope to gain any sort of following. I know I can do it.
Currently I am in Frankfurt, Germany visiting Eren. I arrived here on March 20th, after Kody and Caz dropped me off at the Edinburgh airport. (Thanks guys!) Edinburgh airport is pretty tiny and was surprisingly fast to get through security and everything, so I had a couple hours to kill before I boarded the plane. Ended up drawing in the new sketchbook I bought just an hour previous and enjoying a cinnamon latte from Costa Coffee along the way (it was free! Woo hoo!)
When I got to Frankfurt, it wasn't very tough getting through security at all. Eren was waiting for me on the other side, and we went straight to the train station. There are a LOT of train lines in Frankfurt. If you thought London was confusing, you should see Frankfurt's train system, holllyyyyy smokes, and Frankfurt isn't even close to being as big as London is! We met up with his friends at the Tower Cafe, where I had a ginger ale with an orange slice in it (starting with the 0.2 L or 0.3L servings again, I remember this from Czech Republic!) and a VERY tasty chicken ceasar salad. We hung out there for a couple hours and went to go karaoke after. I wanted to drop all of my belongings off at Eren's beforehand, so we went to his house to meet up with them later. Except as luck would have it... Eren had lost all of his keys. :( Couldn't get in or buzz any of the neighbours since he didn't even have his flat key. So while I went to karaoke with his friends with all of my bags still weighing down my back, Eren went back to all the places he was that day to try to retrieve them - with no luck. Very upsetting indeed. So after everything, karaoke was completed super late, and we took a cab to Eren's friend Phil's house for the night, where he graciously offered us the use of his attic to sleep in. (It had 2 single beds and a cool, very low, slanted ceiling!)
I won't get into details about running around trying to figure out how to break into Eren's flat, but eventually we managed, buzzing countless German neighbours and trying to communicate and a locksmith later. Needless to say, since Eren didn't have the front building key replaced (would have taken 2 weeks and expensive to replace and he was moving anyway) I had to be under "house arrest" (meaning I couldn't leave the house because I wouldn't be able to get back in) so I could let Eren back in at the end of the day. This went on for a week and a bit. Had to rely on Eren to bring back foods from the corner store. I managed to go to the store once on my own, but I got a little nervous, not knowing what to do if I was asked questions in German. Most of the time I just say "Sorry I don't understand" or just mumble incoherently and ignore. Only because so far I've come to realize that most the German people I've come into contact with are not very nice people. I'm sure there are lots of lovely German folk, but so far I have not felt welcome in this country from the moment I've stepped into it's borders. I've been greeted with scoffs, rudeness, ignoring, patronizing, probably only because I don't speak German, or they are scared of an alternative looking individual like me. Whatever the reason is, I'm sorry to be on the receiving end of such bad treatment.
Eren's move to his new flat generally went okay. Since he didn't have a friend with a car to help him move, we went back and forth carrying many large, heavy bags on the train and walking long distances. Needless to say, my back was EXTREMELY sore, my arms were tired, and I was cranky a lot of the time. We even made an Ikea trip that was really fun, we even got Swedish Meatballs, lingonberry jam and potatoes (missed this from Sweden!), but we still had to carry home all the heavy spoils. His new flat is much better than his old one. It's in a tall building, he lives on the 9th floor, and has a balcony view of the direction of the sunset and a view of Frankfurt city. It's quite astounding! I'll post a picture.
So since I've been in his new flat, I've built most of his Ikea furniture (the bed, the bookshelf, the TV entertainment stand, and the computer desk) I am a freakin' LUMBERJACK but it made me have sore thumbs and palms from screwdriving by hand so much. We've experimented with the little food we buy at a time, we've watched all of Glee, played Kings Quest 4 and 5 and have started 6, and are playing it on the 40 inch LCD TV he bought for his new flat, I've tried out Final Fantasy XIII (it's kinda boring, music is a bit drab, characters are annoying), watched Amelie and Moulin Rouge, playing Heavy Rain, BlazBlue... etc etc etc. I've been trying to draw lots too. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration and free time. Which I got lots of at the moment! I also watched the entire 74 episode series of Monster, which was incredible, and very appropriate to watch in Germany, since the entire thing takes place in Germany and Czech Republic!
His friend had a Musicals and Fajitas night, where we watched Jesus Christ Superstar and most of Mamma Mia! while eating very tasty fajitas and drinking delicious wine. It was great fun!
I haven't seen much of Frankfurt yet, but we hope to take a day trip to Heidelberg, which is a gorgeous little town with a castle nestled in the nearby forest brush. To get to the main town you go over an enormous, stone bridge. If you can, look up a picture. I'm very excited to visit this beautiful German town!
My Dad wants me to go to Berlin and I would love to, but I might not have time as I have to go back to Scotland sometime soon so I can prepare for friends visiting when it gets warmer. Also, didn't think I'd say this, but prefer the atmosphere of more friendly Glaswegians than Germans, it seems! Hahahaha! Well, maybe Berlin another time, another adventure. We shall see! Maybe another time I'll do both Berlin and Amsterdam.
We did go to Venice, which was an epic trip. Next post will be about Venice! Yay!

Me at karaoke with my €6.50 bottle of Fanta and Tambourine

Singing "Viva Forever" with Phil

Typical German dinner. Wurst and apfelwine!

Sunset out of Eren's Balcony