I just got back from Germany today, and I'm full of Kody's Double Down chicken bacon mozerella explosion and ceasar salad. Ffsdgdsgsd. :}
I had heard about Heidelberg from Eren and the moment I saw pictures of it, I had to go see it. It was getting quite close to the time I had to go (Sunday) but with some good news from Eren's friend, we managed to get an all day return pass for the both of us for 39 euros, so it was off to Frankfurt am Main train station early Saturday morning!
We wandered the train station for a bit and went to the information desk to get help on how to get a ticket to Heidelberg, and we were served by a man with the most amazing moustache in the world. (Well, almost as awesome as the guy with the windmill in his beard.) We went to go outside to get something to eat, when a confused Eren stopped in the middle of oncoming pedestrians, and a very upset German guy yelled "ACHTUNG!!!!!!!" and forced his way past Eren. It scared the crap out of him, but I found it hilarious and kept yelling it out at random intervals all day. For breakfast, we had some Starbucks drinks (myself a chai latte and Eren a Caramel Frapp) with schnitzel sandwich bun and an egg and chive bun with lettuce, cucumber and tomato for breakfast.
The train ride was quite uneventful at 1 hr and 40 minutes. We got to the main station and made a beeline for the bathrooms (which we had to pay 50 euro cents for), which were will disgusting despite paying for it. I took note while waiting for Eren to come out, that outside there were tons of bicycles everywhere! Must be the best way to get around Heidelberg - scenically. I guess it means the air is cleaner too. :) We were greeted by a strange horse/person/dragon statue with a spinning head in its body when we went into the Tourist Information center to get a map.
We walked down a really nice road with gorgeous houses and trees. It was quite picture perfect! We were even greeted by a snail in one of the flower gardens in the road. We kept traveling down the road to find Heidelberg Castle, when we came across an interesting set of stairs that Eren insisted we check out. So we went up , and it was a steep climb, but we were greeted with a lush forest, dirt and rock paths, a mysterious gravestone, and wonderful lookout points that looked over the large, tree covered hills and old city below. The climb was quite brutal, because I wasn't used to it. We kept having to stop because my asthma was acting up. Eventually we got to a high up area with a cute log hut that was graffiti'ed to hell, but the best graffiti said "Russian Special Forces Barbeque Division" right under the window, so hilarious pictures had to happen.
After descending, we went off road and ran down some winding dirt paths until we came across a beautiful area of houses and a small stream waterfall. We followed the road that quickly brought us to the castle through posh houses territory. One even had a security camera outside that we had to go up to and wave! Outside the castle area we got some expensive water and I got my Germany sticker for my laptop. We took a breather on one of the bences and had our treats. (Eren had a vanilla strudel and I had a Berliner, which is a jam filled doughnut.) We explored and took lots of pictures, and saw terrible parents making their kids walk on top of the railing that had like a 100m drop to the ground below. Some kid came up to Eren when he was eating Apple candy and demanded he gave him some. What kind of world do we live in where kids demand candy from strangers?!
Anyhoo.. we walked all around the castle, and found a nice garden area with a hilarious Zeus statue with derpy wall eyes. We also found a huge pond that was full of tadpoles! It was awesome! Walking along the forested area that was protected by a short, stone wall, we found tons of snails, even teeny ones, begging to be photographed. We found a MASSIVE snail on a bench nearby, further on past the "Fronds Goethe" statue. After chilling and eating beef pepperoni sticks, we went to the inside castle area. The apothecary was closed, but we still took photos inside of the amazing statues on the wall. There was a wedding going on too!
Going through the exit had a lot of great stone covered paths and roads down to the main old town Heidelberg, where I found a shop called "Piu Piu". Hehe. We walked into a shop that sold organic baking and pesto and sauces, got some taste tests and bought 2 expensive (2.10 euro each) ginger cookies. Happened to follow a big dumb cute fluffy white dog to a Thai restaurant that was kind of expensive and the food was quite overcooked and tasteless. Also had an "Ice smoothie" from the Chiquita juice bar, but the new girl forgot half the ingredients, including the "ice" part, so it ended up just being a warm blend of orange, banana and passion fruit (that overtook most of the drink).
After the long trek down old town and finding our way back to the station at around 9pm, we got on the double decker train, and tried to sleep, but it was loud and incredibly uncomfortable. In Heidelberg train station, I had a Mr. Grimmer moment. (Mr. Grimmer is a character from the manga/anime Monster, which is set in Germany/Czech Republic, and is a great thriller/action story) A girl approached me and ask for change (she said she was sleeping under a bridge AND she said "I will become baby in 5 months"....lol) I gave her a Euro, just to make her go away. :|
Ah well, Heidelberg was gorgeous. A+++ would visit again.
The weather was a bit rainy but overall quite warm and very enjoyable air.
Have some delicious photos! I haven't posted in awhile, so have a lot!

I am part of the Special Forces Barbeque Edition. So sayeth my happy Doctor Tennant impression.

Inside the walls of Castle Heidelberg

Derp Zeus all like "sup gaiz"

A view of Old Town Heidelberg from above

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool at the ponds in the Garden

At a lookout point from walking in the forest uphill! Leo girl~

My handsome garden snail!

Our magic forest path

This was BIG Snail! He was about 4 inches long! Wowww :D

No German town is complete without a giant Pretzel sign

Resting at a lookout point

I got me some gooey snail kisses~


Sunset over the S-Line Train tracks

Sheep Respite

The WTF statue.