Well, I first got on the plane, on a Thomas Cook flight.. the food was quite vile. Roast chicken and undefinable lump with biscuits and butter.. then after "sleep" (aka, trying not to lean on the person really close beside you or trying to rest your head on the seat dangerously close in front of you) we had, I think, it was lump of EGG with beans with tea... what the .. anyway. It was cool because I was sitting beside a cute blonde British guy and there was a really awesome girl beside me that I talked a lot with, her name was Giada, and we had a lot in common, including we were both artistic and loved online websites to showcase artistic talents, and we were both spiritual in some way, so we had a lot to talk about! That passed the time quite well!
After we landed and got through customs, which wasn't bad, got our suitcases, and parted ways, I got bombarded by some spanish guy selling smelly moisturizer in the train station when all I wanted was to find a pay phone, after spending a quid I finally found Damien (Chris) who was in Wetherspoon, which is a chain of British pubs that are quite cheap. Him, his friend Roy and his girlfriend Rachel, who I met at SG world some years ago, had ordered a traditional english breakfast, and the remaining bits were some oversized mushrooms, heated up microwave hashbrowns and black pudding, which quite literally looked like a coaster soaked in black coffee, and tasted like it dipped in spices. Vomit.
After buying an "Oyster card" which is kind of like a day pass for transit only it lasts a week, we found our way to Damien's house. I dropped off my one ton "house" and relaxed a bit, had some tea (by the way, I've got a count going, I'm going to drink 1000 cups of tea before I leave the UK) and we went out and cruised Ealing a bit, visiting and recognizing stores along the way, there's a lot of Fried Chicken shops, and we went into Paddy Power's which is some sort of Betting Shop for betting on dogs, horses, and they have electronic roulette machines which Damien spent 3 quid that he found on the ground not even 10 minutes before. We went on the "tube" which is the London train line's pet name, and we ended up in downtown London, and saw Big Ben, Parliament, and the millenium wheel all at once with a blue sky, so I got pictures in while I could.
Later on we met up with Andy, one of Damien's roomates, and we went and saw Zombieland, which was quite interesting, which I thought would be rubbish. The movie was 9.80 pounds, which is... extremely expensive. Though not as expensive as a movie in say, Japan would be. (almost 20 dollars)
We went home and watched some X Factor and I promptly fell asleep, got 11 hours of sleep and woke up the next morning. After a cuppa that Damien's other roomate Adrien made, Damien and I went out to meet friends and hang out in South London. We hit up Greenwich, and also went on the boat down the river called the "Moon Clipper" (clips the water, I guess). We also hit up Buckhingham Palace, saw a freaking PELICAN almost eat a girls' hand, walked a shitload, took a lot of trains, saw a Pyramid Head statue, went in the "Silent Hill tunnel"... had a lot of chips, and we went to a total of 3 other WETHERSPOONS today.. it was madness. I had the cheapest rum and coke I've ever had... 2.20 quid... ridiculous price.. And I went in the most POSH BATHROOM you could imagine girls, it had a sitting room before you went in the main room with plush carpet and modern chairs, then the bathroom had these awesome chairs, and a posh sink on either corner with cool mirrors, and 2 stalls in each corner, every stall was so neat looking with cool wallpaper/tiling, it was all purple themed! Wish I could have taken a picture... it was so posh even the tampons cost 2 quid! Anyway.. so after playing some horrible Gambling game called "Hex" Where it was like wheel of fortune and jeopardy mixed together we headed home and we played SINGSTAR and I cuddled Damien's Sackboy plushie , I drank, and we had 11:15 tea time with the 'Queen' (it was her face on a postcard and we taped it to the cupboard) with neckties on. It was so super rad. XD And then we talked about Gash'es. Don't ask.
In other news, I'm going to bed, GOODNIGHT.
Enjoying my first Ribena, which is a delicious blackcurrant drink, tastes like True Blue
Chris and I looking badass in front of some Quebec guy's statue.
On either side of the Greenwich meridian line, looking like total twats!
Beautiful sunset! :D
Me fondling a Pyramid Head statue.
Love the update...thanks....BTW....about the photo....Not quite "some Quebec guy".....General James Wolfe (2 January 1727 – 13 September 1759) was a British Army officer, known for his training reforms but remembered chiefly for his victory over the French in Canada and establishing British rule there.
ReplyDeleteExciting first few days! I am going to sneak over in some luggage and join you. >_o
ReplyDeleteHaha whoops. Shows how much I know about History :| wish I learned it in english.
ReplyDeleteLove reading your blog and our inspiring chats on the plane. Be safe on your travels and I hope we get to meet again xGiada