Here's a list of some of the stuff I've gotten up to, now in convenient point form!
- Made homemade candy, including vanilla-caramels and knäck (sticky toffee with hazlenuts)
- Made gingerbread cookies and decorated them, hung up the big heart ones
- Decorated the tree with some awesome ornaments, including birds and tiny little crafted gnomes
- Cross country skiing through the gorgeous snow covered woods, which involved me falling down lots and taking awesome pictures/videos
- Made clove-infused designs on oranges and hung them up for awesome scent! And the one in my room kind of looks like Ike from South Park...and it watches me when I sleep...
- Watched some Christmas 'Love, Actually' and 'Peter Pan' (live action)
- Lots of Christmas shopping buying random little presents for Linnea's family
- Tons of Fika! Fika is a dessert-like meal any time of day which you always include with some sort of drink like tea or glogg! Snacks usually include gingerbread cookies, saffron bread, random cookies and candies
- Saffron bread making from scratch. We made the traditional shape, rams and snails!
- StrawberryMarzipan sculptures, made piggies and snails, dipped in chocolate
- TEA TEA TEA! Always tea every day! We have lots of kinds of looseleaf tea which are all delicious! Like nothing I've ever tried before :D
- Partook in Christmas Ham business, which was delicious
- Got introduced to Ouran Host Club (hahaha well, not really Christmasey but we have been doing it so it has to be included)
- Attending the Gym/Swimming pool Linnea goes to, it's a Spa gym/pool so it has saunas and is lit up all awesome! Like there's different colored light up panel walls going to the change rooms, and the pool room is dark except for some star-like lights on the walls and the dark blue glow of the pool, with dark mahogany wood surrounding the pool and the overflow of water from the pool/hot tub goes into the drains which sounds like a constant waterfall!
- Linnea and I went clubbing one night and walking home in the snow at 2 am. Walking in the cold after dancing retardedly and not caring about a thing was great!
- Baked Crappy shortbread that the recipe got screwed up on (it's okay Dad, I forgive you) and Thumbprint Carnage cookies, Canada style!
And most importantly... Linnea and I have been collaborating on a Christmas comic! We're including both of our characters and putting them in Christmas situations, taking turns drawing pages. It's been so fun! Hopefully we'll finish before I leave, but if not we'll finish and post it when it's all complete! :D Got 4 pages done already, and it will be 16 by the time we're done.

I'm doing exercise! Yay!

Moi and Linnea!
The tree we decor'D!
Me having Fika with a Chai and Pecan Pie!
The main street in downtown Umeå!