I heard over at the Professor Layton Livejournal community that the Professor Layton movie that debuted in Japan in December was having a once only ever London Premiere! Me, being a huge Professor Layton fan, could not waste this opportunity, being only a hop, skip and a jump away from London. So I managed to get a couple of free tickets from the MangaUK's twitter, bought a train ticket to London and left on a Thursday to meet with Chris, who oh so nicely lets me use his couch every time I want to do something in London!
The 5 hour train ride to London from Glasgow was pretty uneventful. I managed to get a seat in the quiet coach, so there wasn't any screaming children. It was nice for a change! The only thing that I'm beginning to notice is that I am starting to get motion sickness from being on trains too long, and that's not fun. It's not just looking out the window, it's just the rocking motion that is stirring my insides. Bleegh. Managed to watch some Alf and Adam & Joe, then arrived at Euston London train station at about 5pm.
Met Chris at his work, which is the Wellcome Library. I had a very awkward meeting with his friend Tracy (who also worked at the library), because I couldn't work the card reader, and as she was telling me how to use it, I called her Annabell (who is Chris's OTHER friend) so she was extremely confused. I'm such a dork. Chris set me up with my very own library card that reads "Jakface McGee", because that is apparently my name now. When he got off work, I was famished and demanded we go to India India, where we got some deliciously amazing curry and pappadoms with many delicious chutneys :D (the spicy hot salty one with chunks of lime is fantastic!) We went back to Chris's house where we watched a bit of TV. The Grudge 3 (yes, it exists) was on TV, so we were watching it and making snide comments, until a part where the girl was going up the stairs because she heard a noises and she looks over the banister and SEES...... Mr. Potato Head. We LOST it. Andy reinacted it with Sackboy puppet style from behind the couch.
Chris had to work on Friday, which was the day of the Premiere, so I took Andy with me on Friday instead for adventures! We got up at about 8am on Friday, had crumpets and tea in the sunny backyard forest (hehe), and head out to find the BFI building. When we walked inside, it was great because there were some awesome Layton cosplayers, and the building itself was very inviting and modern looking, and everyone looked really excited to be there. We were given free tea/coffee/water and pastries before the showing, and then we went into a room where we all watched the completely fantastic film!
The movie itself was an absolute charm. I wasn't sure what to expect, I was expecting something that was just like a very long cutscene, however I was surprised to be rewarded with something that reminded me a mixture of a Lupin the 3rd and a Miyazaki film. The scene at the beginning with Big Ben gave me shivers, and a lot of the music just excited me to the point of my hairs standing up on the back of my neck! I was used to the North America voice acting so listening to it in Japanese I had to get used to (I have a great fondness for the Professor's English voice) but regardless of that, I still enjoyed every minute of it. The style was true to the games, had just the right amount of action, emotion and humour. A+++ would view again!
Afterwards, we hung out with the Layton cosplayers a bit so I could get some photos of them, and we stuck the Luke girl on the carousel so we could get some photos of her on there. Got some great shots! After we said our goodbyes, Andy and I got some free enormous Starbucks drinks thanks to his coupons, and we walked around Piccadilly Circus and many parks, including Green Park, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens, taking lots of pictures and bothering the squirrels with pretend food. Then we met up with Chris and Lap to go watch the Prince of Persia movie that came out that day. It was surprisingly better than I thought it was going to be! Though I wasn't impressed with the use of the Papyrus font... :|
On Saturday, Chris worked until 4 and then we were going to Cinnamon (an Indian restaurant again) to celebrate Roy's birthday. I stayed inside and worked on a comic, then headed out to meet with them. Dinner at Cinnamon was really nice, and we got free wine/drinks because it was on Brick Lane, which is a huge street just with Curry restaurants, and they have "Curry pimps" outside each restaurant asking you to try their restaurant, and if you go there they'll give you such-and-such for free. It's kind of awesome. Our dinner was really great, except for a couple tables down one person had an epileptic fit that scared the shit out of everyone. They had to be laid on the floor for 15 minutes and an ambulance came and everything! yaaaaay. :(
On Sunday, Chris and I met up (after me getting completely lost, me ftl) and had a downtown adventure before we saw the Layton Movie again (this time I had pre-paid for tickets so Chris could see it too, it was the only other movie-screening that was public for the Layton movie) but it didn't start until 3:30, so we took Roy the Duck and Sackboy with us to take pictures of them riding all the Art Elephants that were scattered around London. It was a ridiculously hot day, and walking around was quite nice. We walked through Hyde Park and walked all the way to the BFI theatre, and saw more squirrels and a duck that had a staredown with Roy the Duck!
The Sunday showing was showing in one of the larger screens of the NFT building. It was great because the screen was bigger, sound was better, and the audience, which had people of all ages, were TOTALLY in to the movie, laughing at all the right moments, and getting into the puzzles (You could hear murmurs of surprise when the Professor said the answers to the puzzles, it was great!) It had a cool screen that was all lit up with red lights! Fiery!
Afterwards we got some touristy photos of me, we found a Somerfields that was wonderfully open, got some ingredients for the BREAKFAST QUICHE we were going to make the next morning so we could watch series finale of LOST (which was aired in UK the same time it was aired in the USA, which was 5am for UK.. so we recorded it) and eat delicious breakfast quiche. Went home, received a Joei and a Lap, played Singstar, watched Joei play Street Fighter... then went to sleep.
Got up early Monday morning to make the quiche. It was quite the adventure, and we made a video out of it, so I'll just post it here with just a DISCLAIMER that there is some horrible English swears! You've been warned! DON'T SHOW KIDS!
The LOST finale was interesting. I enjoyed it but could see why people are frustrated because lots of questions are left unanswered! Oh well, that's life!
Afterwards, Chris, Lap and I went into Richmond, which is a nice town not far from where Chris lives. Lap had to go to work, so Chris and I walked around a bit around the docks after I purchased some comfortable sandals, since my feet were actually dying from all the blisters (17 to be exact). That's what happens when I forget my sole inserts for my army boots. :( We had some food at Revolution, which was a neat restaurant with antler chandeliers. And they had these SANDS OF TIME hourglasses that meant if we didn't get our food in 15 minutes we got it free. I had a Chicken salad thing that was pretty good and Chris got 2 for 1 burgers... Which he somehow finished. ahahah. We got some ice creams and walked around the fields and trails a bit, and found the "Thames Walk" which looked like a short path to the next pub where we wanted a drink. Turns out it was a 3.3 mile walk beside the Thames River, and my feet, even with my new shoes, were absolutely dying. Almost gave up a few times and called for an ambulance, but Chris was determined I could make it. We eventually made it back to the bridge where we first saw the Hippie Community from the bus we took into Richmond, and we were pretty much home already. It was ridiculous. So I spent the rest of the day on the couch hahaahah.
Tuesday, I was ready to go home to Glasgow! Packed up my stuff and headed out at about noon and met Chris outside of his work and got an iced latte tee hee, hugged and said goodbye to Chris, and was on the train, where I drew a crapload of stuff! Yay!
It's June! And adventure times are soon! Tomorrow starts the Glasgow West End Festival, lots to do and see, and in 3 days I get a Steph! And in a week after that, I get a Linnea! And then Sweden at the end of June! Many more things to happen, stay tuned!

Squirrel tricked by my hand that does not feed.

I am a tourist, yes, that is blatantly obvious

Roy and Sackboy Sitting in a Tree~

Layton and Luke!

Chris and Roy the Duck have a staredown.
That Chris sounds like a pretty cool guy :p