It was high time I explored Scotland!
I planned a 3 day weekend trip up to the Highlands and the Isle of Skye to the west with Steph and Linnea, who were visiting back in June. I managed to plan this trip in an afternoon, and it all turned out excellently. Here is a recap of our epic Highland adventures with some complimentary photos!
We got up at 7:00 am to get ready and pack our bags. Hustled our butts to Buchanan St. bus station... but cut it a little too close. We tried to find our bus, which I found, but I couldn't find the other girls in time. Bus was full anyway, and left, after I argued with the guy working there (who was a total jerk). We managed to get on another bus that connected to an Inverness bus in Perth. So we chilled eating Pocky and taking dodgy pictures of my Professor Layton figure.
We got to Inverness at about 2:00pm and were dropped off in the city center. We ate at the Riverside Cafe which was recommended to us by the Lonely Planet guide. It was alright. I had a gammon, brie, tomato and onion salad, but it had tons of red peppers. :(
Got a cab to our first hotel - The Kingsmills Hotel - which was considered 4 stars. There was friendly service and they showed us to our room down some cool halls, and there was a crazy birthday party/wedding going on outside. We tried to decide what we were gonna do around Loch Ness. The boat tours had already closed pretty much, but our concierge found a way for us to see Loch Ness... a tour taxi! It was perfect! The company is Tartan Taxis Inverness, and our guide's name was John and he was a total bro, gave us lots of info about the area, gum, a good chat and we listened to the Killers. He took us to some great look out points of Loch Ness, a really beautiful garden place with a maze of beautiful plants and trails, Urquhart Castle, and then the Loch Ness Exhibition center. He also took us to a place where we could dip our hands and feet in the Loch! We were super lucky as well, because it was a completely GORGEOUS day, barely any clouds in the sky, and apparently that is EXTREMELY rare. I got some souvenirs from the Ness store, but I lost the bag during the trip. I am a derp. :(
After our awesome tour, he dropped us off at a Turkish restaurant that was quite near. The food was good, but the service was awful. We had wine, Halloumi and Hummus, Olives and bread to start, lamb and rice grilled with a tomato, and we each had a different dessert. (Chocolate pudding, baklava and honey yogurt pistachio walnut creation.)
Taxi'd back to the hotel where we filled out what we wanted for breakfast and had tea time with Layton. :} Then went to sleep in the most COMFIEST BED I have ever slept in! In the morning we had showers and picked at breakfast which I wasn't charged for. (yesssss) Then got a taxi to the bus station where we got our bus to Portree on Isle of Skye.
We passed through the Highlands and OMFG the sights! So beautiful, never have I seen such images. The photos we took do not convey the largeness of these hills. They towered over us, over everything. We had to look straight up in the sky to see them/the tops. In combination with the sky it was just so nice. After getting to Portree, we got picked up by a nice guy who ran a car rental business. We got a car sorted, went back into town to get info, food and some books.
We traveled all the way to a nice spot outside of Portree to eat on the side of the road looking out at the hills. When there are no cars, it is SO quiet, you can hear the blood in your ears. The only thing that was crap was the midges (tiny flies). Other than that, cheese on buns, blueberry muffins and smoothies were had. Backtracking, we went to Edinbane where the Lodge was for our Bed and Breakfast. Greeted by a very friendly older lady who took us right in, made some jokes, took us up to our cozy room which was just awesome, and apparently haunted. We didn't stay long as we had a adventuring to do!
We drove to Dunvegan castle first. Most of it was getting renovated from the outside. We went inside and weren't allowed to take pictures, but there were some incredibly lovely paintings inside. And some cool things like a cramped dungeon and a post boat! I got Heather a bracelet from the shop.
After checking out the pretty gardens, we drove up to Uig, where the fairy glen was. We found it without trouble even though there were no signs. This place was incredible, it honestly looked like something in a picture book or fairy tale. There was sheep poop everywhere and stone creations of fairy rings people made, the biggest being a spiral where there were offerings in the middle. We put a strawberry there. We climbed up to this rocky cliff hill that was pretty scary to climb because there was a steep, grassy drop on either side. We went to the top and ate strawberries and had probably the most peaceful moment of my life. It was BLISS. We explored the glen for awhile, climbing hills, looking at bunnies and discovering wild thistles.
We took the car back to our lodge, where we got a delicious dinner and dessert and drinks. We hung out in the lodge lounge, where we played dominoes and laughed at the TERMINATORS on TV. We retreated to bed, and about an hour after I entered into REM sleep, my phone all of a sudden went dead and vibrated itself off my dresser, very strange! In the morning, we lazily got up and had a mediocre breakfast (these Bed and Breakfasts don't know how to soft boil eggs it seems) and set off.
First, we checked out Edinbane pottery, where the stuff was cool but hella expensive. We drove all the way to Plockton, where we went on an hour long seal boat spotting trip! We saw so many awesome seals. They were fat and hilarious and the boat trip was just awesome and relaxing. Then there came the stressful race against time down narrow roads for Steph. It didn't help it was misty raining and cars were slow. We did make it back to the car rental shop okay though.
During the bus trip, we made a brief stop in Fort William where we got out and found a hill to sit and draw where I saw a dude with Sephiroth's hair. HAHAH. Pics happened and you better believe the trip home was epic!
Steph, Linnea and I in front of Loch Ness
In the Gardens
In front of the KingsMills Hotel :D

This reminds me of a very clever puzzle...
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